IT @ school

Name of Activity Creating Logo
Objectives Creating canvas in desired size, Understanding the use of -
          Create Image , Text , Zoom in - tools, Adjusting image size,
         Giving colour to Objects, Saving files in .svg format
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time needed
1. Opening software Application -----Graphics----- Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arranging canvas in desired Open in the order - File ----- Document properties . In
size Custom size change width to 600 and height to 150
3. Drawing a Rectangle in Drawing three rectangles in the canvass by taking Create
Canvass Rectangle Tool from tool box
4. Arranging the size of After selecting the rectangles, click on the ‘Tool control bar’
rectangles and arrange it’s size.
5. For typing text Using Text tool, type IT - @ - School as one part in each
6. Arranging Text Select

Text and arrange it’s size and allignment
7. Making Letters beautiful Gives suitable colour from colour palette
8. Saving File------ Save
Understand the following facts
The lines and circles in Inkscape software are Objects
We can select all objects together by taking select all from edit menu (Edit ---- Select All)
By dragging using select tool, we can select a particular portion of the object.
For selecting more than one object, use select tool and shift key together and select
For making the selected object to one unit, select them all and then take object --- group
Understand the following tools/menus
For creating a canvass in
desired size
Create Rectangle Tool
File ---Document Properties , width 600 , height 150
You can select previously prepared pages by Document
Properties -----Page ----- Page Size
We can arrange the canvass according to the size of our
drawing/picture by selecting ‘page to drawing or selection’
from ‘Resize Page To Content’
This is used for drawing rectangles. We can draw rectangles by
dragging mouse after selecting this tool and clicking on canvass.
We can also draw by using shift key and ctrl key.
Select and Transform Tool This is used to make an object bigger and also to rotate. Selection
                         for changing size comes when we click on an object once. For
                        rotating, we have to click on the object twice.
To give colour to the Select the object and give suitable colour from the colour palette
Text Tool Select Text tool from Tool Box. Or use T from keyboard for typing
         text. Make necessary changes using Text and Font Menu
Zoom in / Zoom Out By pressing F3 button or by clicking zoom tool we can zoom
Earlier it was impossible to upload the images created by graphic softwares to internet.
In order to upload to internet, the images must be in .jpg or.gif formats. And they were in
big size and they didn’t have enough clarity.
Images in .svg formats do not have such problems. svg is the short form of Scalable
Vector Graphics
svg format was prepared by World Wide Web Consortium
Images created in Inkscape can be changed to svg format very easily.
4. What are the benefits of svg format
svg format is used for preparing 2 Dimensional images. This format is suitable for vector
images prepared in any software. We can arrange its size without losing clarity of the
Worksheet 2
No: Date:
System No:
Name of Activity To draw a sphere like 3 D object
Objectives For using Create Circle Tool , Gradiant Tool , Edit Path by
          Node Tool. To draw a sphere, cylinder, pyramid
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening Software Application ----- Graphics ------- Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arranging Canvass in the Give suitable page size and orientation by selecting in the
desired size order File------- Document properties and then close
            Document properties window.
3. Drawing a circle in the First select Create Circles, ellipses and arcs tool. Then draw
canvass Circle by dragging mouse while pressing ctrl key. Give
       suitable colour to the image.
4. Arrange the picture by Select ‘create radial gradient’ in ‘Tools control Bar’ by
mixing more than one colour selecting Gradient tool . Double Click inside the circle.
using gradient tool.
5. Giving 3D Shape to the By changing the position of the Gradient nodes after selecting
sphere Edit paths by nodes tool. And aslo by selecting another colour
      by clicking on the node we can give 3 D colour to the image.
6. To save the image File ------ save - give suitable name - save
Worksheet 3
No: Date:
System No:
Name of the Activity To draw a cylinder
Objectives For drawing cylinder using Create rectangles and squares,
          Create Circles, ellipses and arcs, Gradient tools
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening the software
Application ------Graphics ------ Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arrange canvas in the desired Open File -------- Document properties and then give suitable
page size and orientation. Then close Document Properties
3. Drawing Rectangle, and
Ellipse in the canvass
By using ‘Create rectangles and squares’ tool draw a rectangle
and give suitable colour. Then by using Create Circles,
ellipses and arcs tool, draw two Ellipse and fix it on the either
side of the rectangle.
4. For selecting different objects Select the rectangle and the Ellipse below together using shift
and combine it into one object
key and then select the path ------ union option
5. Use gradient tool for giving Click on the gradient tool. Select Creative linear gradient in
light and shadow to the object the ‘tool control bar’. Click on one side inside the rectangle
                                  and then drag to the other side. Take suitable colour to the
                                 gradient nodes and adjust light and shadow. Give suitable
                                colour to the above circle.
6.To save the picture File ----- save - Gives suitable name - save
Worksheet 4
No : Date:
System No:
Name of the Activity To create cone
Objectives To use Pencil Tool , Edit Paths by Nodes Tool , Gradient
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening the software Application ----- Graphics ------ Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arranging canvas in desired Open in the order File------ Document properties and then give
size suitable page size nd orientation. Then close the Document
    Properties window
3. Draw a triangle in the canvass Using Pencil in the tool box draw a triangle. Then give
suitable colour.
4. Use of Edit Path by Node
Select Edit Paths by Nodes Tool and then click on the foot of
triangle and then drag to create a cone
5. Using gradient tool for giving Click on the gradient tool. Then select ‘creative linear
light and shadow to the object
gradient’ in the tool control bar. click on one side inside the
cone and then drag to the other side. Select suitable colour to
the gradient nodes for adjusting light and shadows.
6.To save the picture
File ----- save - Give suitable name - save
Worksheet 5
No: Date:
System No:
Name of Activity Drawing Amoeba
Objectives To draw the picture of Amoeba using Draw Bezier Tool, Edit
          Path by Node Tool, Fill and Stroke Tool. Take a copy of the
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening software Application ------- Graphics ------ Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arrange canvass in desired Open in the order File------ Document properties and give
size suitable page size and orientation. Then close Document
    Properties window.
3. Use of draw Bezier Tool Select Draw Bezier tool and draw a polygon
4. Use of Edit Path by Node Using Edit Path by Node Tool bend the sides and arrange the
Tool nodes for drawing the picture of Amoeba.
5.Give Suitable colour Gives suitable colour to the image
6. Use of Circle Tool , Gradient Draw nucleus and pseudopodia using Create circles Tool and
Tool then give suitable colour using gradient tool
7.Use of Object------ Fill and Select the image. Select Fill and Stroke from Object menu.
Stroke Select fill from the box and select a suitable colour. Select a
      suitable style from the stroke style in the right side of Stroke
     Paint. Arrange Stroke width.
8. Giving names to the parts Draw lines using Draw Bezier and Curves ,straight lines
                            Tools. Select line and then select object------ Fill and Stroke.
                           Select arrow from Start markers. Write the names of parts
                          using Text Tool
9. Taking duplicates of pictures Select image and then click on Edit ------Duplicate. Then
and grouping select the image and then drag for getting it’s duplicate. If you
              select more than one object using shift key and then select
             object ---- group, then it will become one object.
5. What is the use of Fill, stroke options ? How can we use it. ?
Stroke is the boundary line of objects created using Inkscape software. The portion inside
the object is fill. We can change the colour and thickness of stroke. Like that we can change
the colour of fill also. Click on the image and then open in the order Object---- Fill and
Stroke. Select suitable colour by clicking on the ‘Fill’ above the dialogue box. In fill, there
are options to erase colour and also to give different colours. We can select stroke style and
change the style and thickness, type of the line.
6. What is the use of grouping objects in Inkscape ? How can we do this ?
Grouping the process for combining two or more objects drawn in Inkscape to one object.
Select the objects to be grouped using shift key and then select in the order
object ------ group
7. Arrange some objects one above the other. And then select one of them and put it in
order using the keys given below.
[We can draw using the tools in tool bar in word processer and then copy it and paste it in
Page down
Page Up
Use the ‘Lower’ option in Object menu
Worksheet 6
No: Date :
System No:
Name of Activity Constructing a banner
Objectives Use of Tools like - Create circles Tool, Edit Paths by
          Nodes. Taking the copies of images. Including letters using
         Text Tool, Understanding the use of the option Text -put
        on Path , Understanding the use of the options like Fill -
       stroke, Path - Difference
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening Software Application ------ Graphics -------- Inkscape Vector
                   Graphics Editor
2. Arranging canvass in the Open in the order File------ Document properties and give
desired size suitable page size and orientation. Then close the Document
            Properties window.
3. Drawing a semi circle Select Create circles Tool. Then change the value in the
                        start and End positions in the tools control bar to 180, 0
                       respctively. Draw a semi circle by dragging mouse and
                      then arrange it’s size.
4. Taking Duplicate,Preparing Select the semi circle. Then click in the order of
a model banner Edit -----Duplicate and take two copies. Adjust it’s size and
                then arrange the semi circles one above the other. And give
               three different colours to each of them.
5. For typing text Using Text Tool, type KVHSS KADAVATHUR 6. Adjusting Text Select the semicircle in the middle, and the name of the
                 school together using shift key and then click in the order
                Text ------- Put on Path
7. To erase the fill colour in the Select the middle semicircle. Then click in the order
middle semicircle
Object -------- Fill and stroke. To erase Fill colour and
stroke colour, click on the No Paint Button (X) in Fill and
Stroke window
8. Completing the construction Select the two semicircles together and then select
of banner
‘Difference’ option in ‘path’ menu
Worksheet 7
No: Date:
System No :
Name of Activity Drawing a flower
Objectives To understand the use of Pencil Tool, Clone tool, Edit Paths
          by Nodes tool
Software used Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor
Time Needed
1. Opening Software Application-----graphics ----- Inkscape Vector Graphics
2. Arraging canvas in the Open in the order File ------ Document properties and give
desired size suitable page size and orientation. Then close the Document
            Properties window.
3. To draw a line using pencil Draw a line using pencil tool
4. Taking the clone of an image Select the line. Then click in the order
Edit ------ Clone ------ Create Tiled Clones. Select PM:
Reflection from Symmetry Tab. Change Row , Column to
1 X 2 then click on Create button and then close Create
tiled clones window
5. Making changes in object Select the line, then select the optioin Edit ---- Clone -----
                           Select Original. Using Edit Paths by nodes Tool drag the
                          line to one side and make it in the shape of petal of a
                         flower. Fill colour to it.
6. To use Unlink Clone Select the two parts of the petal together and then select
Edit------ Clone----Unlink Clone Then give Path -------
Union .
7. To do Dupilcate, Rotate, Flip Take the Duplicate copies of the image. Then by using
Rotate, Flip in the object menu, make it in the shape of a
flower. Select it and make it into one object using
Path----- Union .
8. Saving
Click in this order File ---- Export Bitmap, give a suitable
name then save it.
Model Questions
Chapter One The Beautiful World of Pictures
Type One : Objective Questions and Answers
1. Which of the following is not a graphic software ?
a) Dia
b) Open office draw c) Inkscape
d) Gperiodic
2. Which among the following is the full form of svg ?
a) Sensible Vector Graphics b) Scalable Vector Graphics
c) Scalable Virtual Graphics d) None of these
3. What is the name of the boundary line in Inkscape ?
a) stroke
b) fill
c) edge
d) outline
4. Which activity is used to join different objects in the same canvass to one object ?
a) Clonning
b) Union
c) Sharing
d) Duplicate
5. The side lines of an image drawn in Inkscape were straight lines. Which tool is used to
bend those lines.
a) Pencil Tool
b) Create Rectangle Tool
c) Select Transform Tool
d) Edit Path by node tool
6. One among the four Inkscape tools given below is different from others. Which tool is